west coast wisdom

here is a profound bit of wisdom pulled from a comment left on one of these posts by lynette (my dear friend hailey's mom):
[INSERT THE NAME OF YOUR TOWN/CITY HERE] seems to be one thing on the surface, but as you take the time to REALLY get to know someone -or show sincerity and wonder in your interactions with others, you will find unimaginable diversity here. Everyone has a story worth telling. Sometimes the most MOLLY [stereotypical] Moms of all can shock your shorts if you get to know their journey. Life is never as it appears on the surface of the glistening pond. And there is a LOT churning in the places least expected. Keep your eyes open and your heart will become swollen by the stories of those you pass every day. The trick is in the seeing -in the vulnerability and compassion you share that allows people to open up. If you allow yourself to be vulnerable and imperfect, people will come out from behind their masks and really show you who they are.

there is a little bit of utah-bred wisdom for you for today!

1 comment:

  1. Kate you honor me! Thanks for such an amazing blog. I have loved being able to follow you. This project has most definitely helped to prepare you for life. I am proud of you. Jay and Jill make good stuff!!!
